
Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey

2018年1月23日 — Oh baby, why don't you just meet me in the middle? I'm losing my mind just a little. So why don't you just meet me in the middle? In the middle.

What does 'Make me in the middle' mean? ...

She is asking her lover to compromise with her. The phrase comes from financial dealings, say someone wants $100.00 for an item and someone else only wants to ...

Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey - The Middle Lyrics

2019年6月14日 — Oh baby, why don't you just meet me in the middle? I'm losing my mind just a little. So why don't you just meet me in the middle? In the middle


2018年1月23日—Ohbaby,whydon'tyoujustmeetmeinthemiddle?I'mlosingmymindjustalittle.Sowhydon'tyoujustmeetmeinthemiddle?Inthemiddle.,,Sheisaskingherlovertocompromisewithher.Thephrasecomesfromfinancialdealings,saysomeonewants$100.00foranitemandsomeoneelseonlywantsto ...,2019年6月14日—Ohbaby,whydon'tyoujustmeetmeinthemiddle?I'mlosingmymindjustalittle.Sowhydon'tyoujustmeetmeinthemiddle?Inthemiddle